Thursday, December 28, 2006

Biggest Dream in 2006

well finally i dpt offer further studies. degree in finance. uitm shah alam. adoi nape la shah alam jugak yg i dpt kan? but alhamdulillah atas rezeki ni. well 2007 ni kene mula dengan azam baru and a brand new me again?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

my pain

alhamdulillah by the time i post journal ni i dah getting better from the pain i suffer since yesterday. sebenarnye i ada masalah dgn organ2 dalaman kot? unstable hormon buat i nye period tak menentu. sampai jadi la incident limpah ruah. hehe tau ke eh maksud nye? period yg melampau banyak nye. padahal dah 15 hari i period. pelik kan? well to me benda ni dah tak pelik. i penah kene cmni bile i 15 years old, when im 18 and tetibe bile 21 kene balik eh? mcm janji2 lak. 3 tahun sekali LOL. tp alhamdulillah arini dah kurang. i makan ubat yg stable kan hormon. harap2 tak la kejap je elok kan? bukan apa. tak selesa tau. when u have to change every 1 hour. letih! dah la banyak hilang darah. of course la dahaga, lesu, sengal2 badan. mintak2 dah tade la kejadian ni lagik

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hurt - Christina Aguilera

Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were, but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
Ooh, ooh

I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I wanna call you
But I know you won't be there

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just wanna hide 'cause it's you I miss
And it's so hard to say goodbye
When it comes to this, oooh

Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?

There's nothing I wouldn't doTo have just one more chance
To look into your eyes
And see you looking back

Ohh I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself, ohh

If I had just one more day
I would tell you how much that I've missed you
Since you've been away
Ooh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line
To try and turn back time

I'm sorry for blaming you
For everything I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Gegak Gemilang Astro - Klang

siang tadi p la gegak gemilang astro kat klang. well nak p pun ade 2 reasons.
1st - barang2 cosmetic silkygirl arini jual murah2. yeah mmg murah
2nd - i nak jumpe sofaz hahahaha klaka kan?
but ni la kenyataan. sofaz nye 2nd album is much better than the 1st one. ntah kenapa i leh berminat ngan lagu2 nye. bes2. dpt tgk dr jauh jadi la. and ade la artis2 af. ada zainal alam kadir, ade kru, ade aznil hj nawawi. ok la jugak. but i ingat kan besar sgt karnival nye. kecik je. tak la happening mcm sure heboh by tv3 tu. hehehe ada la bende yg i bought just now. a mascara, a lip gloss, a hair color hahaha and not forget a perfume. silkygirl - loving you. not bad la bau nye. bole la pakai utk sekadar berjalan sini sini. park kete pun tak la jauh. luck kot? hehe

Saturday, December 09, 2006



hah alhamdulillah my childhood fren selamat nikah ptg td dlm kul 5 ( 8 DEC ) kat masjid Ar-Rahimiah, Klang. actually i lebey rapat ngan adik dia, sarip hehehe tp kakak nye pun stil my childhood fren gak. hehe

so dr ari khamis aritu mmg dah duk terperuk kat umah sarip, doing this, doing dat. mcm2 la buat. ye la org nak kawen. dr pagi2 sampai ke malam2 baru balik umah. naseb la lalu pintu doraemon je ( pintu blakang) since umah dia btol2 blakang umah i. miahaha tak abes lg keje ari khamis, tadi pagi pun dtg gak sampai ke ptg.

hah i noticed satu bende la. bile event besar cmni. bukan nye confirm sedara mara akan dtg tlg. mungkin ade dtg tlg tgk je hahaha. i lak poyo tlg kan? haha takpe la. ikhlas i tolong nih even mmg penat. mcm2 bende kite nampak sana sini cacat cela sbb this is first marriage for Syed Alwee's family hehe. takpe la kan. mana yg i tau, i bitau anak2 dia. share2 la kan knowledge sbb mungkin dr kecik i ni dah didedahkan ngan rewang2, bungkus2, rebus2 telur. sbb mmg dr dulu mak abah bawak p umah saudara mara tlg2 pape yg patot. and i assume family diorang tak didedahkan dgn knowledge cmtu. so terkial kial gak la hehe. enough saying the bad things! hey mana ade apa apa event yg 100% going smooth kan?

hah malam ni lak ada what we call 'malam berinai' hah fyi malam berinai tu bukan la malam org nak pakai inai hehe as sarip thought hehehe its like malam tukar2 baju, photoshoot, tepung tawar sket ehehehe kire dgn sanak saudara terdekat la. so i sempat la gak nyemak2 amik gamba ngan pengantin. hah gamba nye later k? dah 2 ari i dtg sana pakai baju lusuh2 je then malam ni i pakai a baju kurung wif a tudung. everyone dlm tu kata 'ey ella dtg, dah lawa dah' hahaha klaka kan? ye la siang2 dtg pakai tracksuit & shirt. tetibe malam ni glemer sket hehehe

after the ceremony, i ngan sarip, adik sarip, ayu, fana p mcd. hah upacara MENGHARGAI DIRI SENDIRI hahaha ayat yg baru je gune. selepas berpenat lelah membantu kat umah sarip, dah sampai masa nye utk melepak hahahaha. i will be at sarip's house again tomorrow. hah kali ni pakai glemer2 lagik. makan free session haha

Selamat Pengantin Baru to Syarifah Nurhayati ( kak etty ) & Nizam

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dedicated to Neem

dear neem

how r u? hehe eceh cm bg email je. anyway hah i dah berjaye letak picture kat profile tu. thanks ya. hah dr dulu i tatau nak wat cmne. finally berjaya gak i hehehe. take care neem

Friday, December 01, 2006

10 bintang, 5 kisah, satu cerita CINTA

Cinta released on 30 NOV 2006. went to the cinema this evening. went to watch the movie wif Sarip, Leely and Nadia. Seats 5 dari depan hehehe. well semua nya berbaloi. sbb i luv this movie. cerita cinta yang menyentuh emosi, kisah cinta yang menyedarkan manusia ini memerlukan cinta bukan hanya antara lelaki dan wanita. bahkan cinta sesama saudara sendiri, cinta kepada masyarakat, cinta pada diri sendiri. voted for Nanu Baharudin & Que Haidar for the best sad luv story in this film which consist of 5 luv stories. and not forgetting kisah cinta antara lakonan Rita Rudaini & Rashidi Ishak. Hope im not late to tell everybody dat i luv u very very much and how i apprecite everybody in my life. Hah tak lupa gak, ade gak quote dlm film ni yang sampai sekarang masih difikiran. quote between siblings. "jangan takut pada gelap, sebab kakak senitiasa ada sebagai lilin, jangan takut untuk tutup mata, sebab kakak akan sentiasa berjaga"

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